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July 11, 2019

Amazon Deals for Flexible Seating

Flexible seating in schools are becoming more and more popular as both teachers and administrators learn about the benefits of it. When I bring home schoolwork I almost never sit at my desk. Instead, I like to cuddle up on my couch with a cup of coffee (or wine) and get cracking. Why is it that we expect 5 and 6-year-olds to sit at hard desks all day? Shouldn't we give them a comfortable learning environment and also a choice about where they learn as we do at home? Why do we expect more from our students? Let us provide a fun, enriching environment for our students where learning becomes both fun and natural for them. 

I think the hardest part about using flexible seating in my classroom was the lack of funding for it. Most of my unique seating choices in my classroom came from yard sales or Facebook Marketplace which I paid for out-of-pocket. Every once in a while I purchase something new for my room, usually from Target or Amazon. This July 15th and 16th are Amazon Prime Days where you can find steeply discount products for your classroom. Every year I stock up on my back-to-school items during Prime Days and have them shipped directly to my classroom. I put a few Amazon finds together that would be perfect for any flexible seating classroom. Some splurges and some more modest items. Fill your carts now and check out on Prime Days! Happy shopping!

* You do need Amazon Prime to get discounts. You can sign up for a free trial for the month, but you'll need to remember to cancel before the end of your month subscription. 

1. These inflatable empire chairs!

* This post contains affiliate links at no cost to you

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