Getting ready for fall in your classroom? So are we! I recently redesigned my Halloween pack and I'm unveiling it here! I only have a few pictures from the centers I did last year from this bundle, but here are a few fun Halloween ideas for your classroom!
Here is a quick preview of all the activities in the bundle.
SPOOKY Sight Word Scramble
Response to Literature
Every year we read "The Runaway Mummy". It's an adorable story about a 'mummy' and her child. We respond by making mummies out of toilet paper, glitter glue, and construction paper. My students completed a writing prompt explaining how their own mother comfort them when they feel scared.
Teaching place value with teen numbers is a skill we work endlessly on in my classroom. I love using candy and other exciting manipulative in my centers. Here, we use candy corn! Students place the instructed amount of candy corn onto their tens frames. They obviously will not all fit. Students record how many fit and how many do not. For example, in the above picture the student would indicate that 13 is 1 10 and 3 more ones.
I LOVE carving pumpkins with my class! Last year completed the below pumpkin investigation. My students had a blast pulling out the insides of the pumpkin and then we counted the pumpkin seeds. After the experiment we toasted the seeds and ate them for snack. YUM!
We also made this cute craft to show what we fond inside the pumpkin. We glued some seeds and yarn on the inside of the paper plate.
Rhyming skills are so important in the beginning of the school year. Here, we sort words that do and do not rhyme.
This center also has recording sheets as shown below.
There are just a few of the endless centers in my Halloween pack. ENJOY!
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