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September 27, 2015

The Switch Witch GIVEAWAY!

I'm SO excited to announce my first Rafflecopter giveaway! I'm giving away 1 Switch Witch Set. 

Being that I'm in a major fall mood, I went looking for some more fall activities to do in my room over the next month. Behold  the Switch Witch. 

The premise is pretty similar to that of Elf on the Shelf. The Switch Witches need your candy to heat their homes and make their Witchy World go round! They live in your house or classroom and watch for good or bad behavior. On Halloween, children leave candy for their Switch Witch and she trades the candy for toys. 

What fun! Enter below to begin this Halloween tradition in your home or classroom!

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September 25, 2015

iCan Write: iPod Writing Paper and Prompt

This week, I introduced the sight word 'I' to my class. For a fun writing prompt we discussed things we can do. Students responded by writing "I can...". They LOVED making their iPods and this has become the paper of choice in my writing center. I printed it on colored paper for extra some pizzaz.

I made an 'iCan Write' bulletin board in my classroom. We change it up with different writing prompts each week. 

As a part of Kid Writing, we use 'meatball spacers' to help  remind students to put spaces in between their words. I like to add glitter and neon colors to about everything so I painted popsicle sticks and glued on sparkle pom poms. Anything to make writing fun for my kinders!


Don't Forget to Enter my HALLOWEEN Giveaway!

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September 21, 2015

Common Core Math Centers: Counting Cookies

As I continue to work on a HUGE common core math bundle, I can't help but post a few of my class favorites from this year. Here, I made a counting cookies center. It's pretty simple and my students love it. First, I printed out the cookies on card stock paper and laminated. I spray painted cookie sheets and use them for so many different things in my classroom. For this, I use highlighting tape to section off a tens frame on the cookie sheet. This way, when students are using this center, they are constantly visualizing the numbers within a tens frame. 

Students will place the cookies on the correct area of the tens frame. I included a recording sheet for students to cut and glue cookies within a tens frame. 

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September 14, 2015

Common Core Math Centers

Currently, my class is working on representing, writing, and identifying numbers 1-10. I do this the first few weeks of every school year. As my students work to get used to our guided math procedures, especially independent centers, I look for engaging ways for students to practice these skills. I especially enjoy this center because student work together to fill each gumball machine. They also have a recording workbook where they use paint markers to represent each number. The workbook can be use for  assessment purposes. 

Lesson Plan:

An interactive workbook is included in this math center. Students use paint markers to stamp gumballs on each machine. 

 This center also refines fine motor skills. Simply have students pick up pom poms with kid tweezers!
Enjoy!!! :)

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September 11, 2015

Kindergarten Back to School in Instagram Posts

I've just finished my first week of the year! I'm happy to say we survived. I forget every year how tiring teaching the routines and procedures are in September. I put together a quick scrapbook of my first few days in school from Instagram posts.

A photo posted by HappyLittleKindergarten (@happylittlekindergarten) on

September 7, 2015

Behavior Modification Incentive Puzzles

Behavior modifications, though effective, can sometimes be VERY time-consuming. Last year, a coworker had a very spirited child who needed a few modifications to make sure he stayed on track. We knew he LOVED tablet time so we made him a set of 6 puzzle pieces with a picture of a tablet on it. The idea was that he would earn puzzle pieces when he completed his work. Once the puzzle was completed, he was able to go play on the tablet. It worked SO well! 

I made a set of incentive puzzles for behavior modification purposes and included a variety of incentives for the students. 

September 6, 2015

I'm Throwing a SALE!!!!

I'm throwing a Labor Day SALE! 20% off of every single product in my TpT store!
Sunday & Monday Only!







Boo Crew: Halloween Centers for Kindergarteners

Getting ready for fall in your classroom? So are we! I recently redesigned my Halloween pack and I'm unveiling it here! I only have a few pictures from the centers I did last year from this bundle, but here are a few fun Halloween ideas for your classroom!

Here is a quick preview of all the activities in the bundle. 

SPOOKY Sight Word Scramble

Response to Literature
Every year we read "The Runaway Mummy". It's an adorable story about a 'mummy' and her child. We respond by making mummies out of toilet paper, glitter glue, and construction paper. My students completed a writing prompt explaining how their own mother comfort them when they feel scared. 

Teaching place value with teen numbers is a skill we work endlessly on in my classroom. I love using candy and other exciting manipulative in my centers. Here, we use candy corn! Students place the instructed amount of candy corn onto their tens frames. They obviously will not all fit. Students record how many fit and how many do not. For example, in the above picture the student would indicate that 13 is 1 10 and 3 more ones. 

I LOVE carving pumpkins with my class! Last year completed the below pumpkin investigation. My students had a blast pulling out the insides of the pumpkin and then we counted the pumpkin seeds. After the experiment we toasted the seeds and ate them for snack. YUM! 

We  also made this cute craft to show what we fond inside the pumpkin. We glued some seeds and yarn on the inside of the paper plate. 

Rhyming skills are so important in the beginning of the school year. Here, we sort words that do and do not rhyme. 

This center also has recording sheets as shown below. 

There are just a few of the endless centers in my Halloween pack. ENJOY!

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