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February 28, 2015

Dr. Seuss Activities and Craftivities!


 Happy birthday Dr. Seuss! Celebrating Dr. Seuss's birthday is a BIG deal in my classroom! We had a great time making paper mache hot air balloons, decorating our door, and reading all kids of Dr. Seuss books! Check out some of our activities!

What you'll need:
* paper mache strips (or newspaper, flour, & water)
* balloons
* cups or empty single serving cereal containers 
* paint
* string

Cover the ballon with paper mache. Wait 24 hours before painting. Poke a hole through the top of the balloon and fish yarn through. Attach cup and viola! 

Get my Dr. Seuss Activity Bundle HERE



1. Rhyming Time Game: includes 12 colored rhyming cards, 2 headers
2. Rhyme Time Recording Sheets (2 pages)
3. Oh! The Places You'll Go! Blank writing paper to use with any writing prompt.
4. Oh! The Places You'll Go! Writing activity with prompts.
5. Oh! The Places You'll Go! Teen Number Stamp
6. Oh! The Places You'll Go! Teen Number Addition
7. Rhyming and Reading Activity
8. CVC Wipe and Write Activity (includes 15 color cards and 2 recording sheets)

February 22, 2015

Look Whoo's 100 Days Wiser

We make a very big deal about the 100th day of school. One thing I like to do every year is ask students to bring 100 small objects to school. I make a little bulletin board to showcase their work. Download the 100 day banner, the owl 100 day sheets, and other 100th day activities HERE

100th Day of School Math & Literacy Activities



February 12, 2015

Owl You Need is LOVE


Love Monster Valentines Box


One of my favorite Valentine's Day books is Love Monster by Rachel Bright. We read the story the make our own Love Monster. Here's what you'll need:
1. Love Monster (book)
2. Tissue boxes (one for each student)
3. Paint
4. White card stock (teeth)
5. White circles
6. Glitter glue
7. Other decorations

I ask students to each bring in tissue boxes. I also save some from my classroom for children who do not provide one. The first day we paint out Love Monsters. Sometimes we paint a second coat in the afternoon. The second day we decorate our monsters by giving him/her eyes, legs, arms. At this point, it is up to the student to decorate. They can make their monster look however they'd like.  On Valentine's Day I use the monsters to hold valentines. It's perfect because it holds all the candy and cards they get.

Donut Valentine's Day Favors

Multi-Sensory Sight Words (Valentine's Style)

In this activity, students practice spelling sight words and exploring word families. All you need is shaving cream and glitter. Simply spray shaving cream on a table and sprinkle red glitter (for the Valentine's Day effect). Ask students to spell CVC words, sight words, etc. Easily differentiated and FUN!

Find more Valentine's Day ideas HERE!

February 8, 2015

Fun with Letters!

A Fun & Engaging Way to Teach Letter Recognition and Early Phonics Skills! 

I'm always looking for ways to help my kinders learn letters while still having fun! These were such a hit that I had to run extra copies out because the children were making extras at recess. It's simple and easy to prep!

I ran the crowns off on card stock paper. This made them more durable. Students decorated their hats by coloring, completing the handwriting activity, gluing pom poms, and adding jewels!I made a crown for each letter, but also uploaded a little FREEBIE so you could all check them out!

Have fun!

Download the Entire set HERE!


Download the FREE sample HERE!


February 7, 2015

Kindergarten Sight Word Practice

Sight words are a HUGE part of any kindergarten curriculum.  Every year I'm constantly looking for new ways to teach sight words. Here are a few of my favorites!

Beading Sight Words

Using pipe cleaners and letter beads are a fun way to students to review sight words while strengthening fine motor skills. Sometimes if a student is really struggling to learn a particular word, we make a sight word bracelet out of these beads and we review the word throughout the day.

I found the beads pictures at a Dollar Tree just the other day, but you can find them at any craft store. I'm still on the hunt for lowercase letter beads.

Spin and Record Games

Finding new ways to practice sight words help children learn sight words. Also, these activities make students look more critically at each word and can strengthen math skills!

 Sight Word Reference Posters

Sight Word Posters
Providing visual cues around the room can help students identify difficult sight words. Some examples include; the nut of 'what', the star of 'are', etc. You can download posters HERE (for free of course! :).

Painting Sight Words

Every student loves to paint! In this picture, students are making sight word posters for the unit. Each unit students make a poster with each sight word and hang them up in their rooms at home! Some parents have told me that they have their child read each word before bed.

Other supplemental sight word activities:




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