August 31, 2017

CAFE Menu and Reading Comprehension Sticky Notes

I've blogged a lot lately about using Daily 5 in my classroom. I recently posted a Facebook Live explaining how I organize Word Work to meet each of my students' individual needs (without losing your mind). For this post I want to talk more about Read-to-Self and Read-to-Someone. 

Independent practice is important in any classroom no matter the subject. I wanted a way for my students to independently practice the comprehension strategies I teach during my read alouds. To do this I made reading comprehension sticky notes on VistaPrint. It was fairly easy and inexpensive (~2 a pack). I included the images in my Cafe Menu Poster & Comprehension Sticky Note Pack. I have more detailed directions there. 

Here's how I use them. When teaching a comprehension strategy during my mini lesson, I show the corresponding card of my CAFE Menu. After my mini lesson, each student gets a sticky note. They use this during Read-to-Self. They place the sticky note on the page where they used the strategy. They can also respond on the back of the sticky note. The picture on the sticky note helps remind students of their objective during reading and is a great informal assessment tool. 

I hope you all enjoy this pack! Happy reading! 


  1. Sticky Notes is currently not available to you Sticky Notes is at display not open to you – What to do if Sticky Notes application would reestablish a slip-up like "Check your record, Sticky Notes is starting at now not available to you". The notice showing check your record suggested somethings else. Here you need to take after advances irregular with checking our record.

  2. What do you do with the sticky notes after Read to self? Are they reused or recycled? Kept in a student notebook with a note?
