August 29, 2014

Kindergarten Go Math! Interactive Notebook

Click HERE to Download!

I've become completely obsessed with interactive notebooks! It's official!

My district recently adopted a new math program; Go Math! I found that most of the supplemental activities were a pretty monotonous. To shake things up a bit, I'm trying an interactive math notebook this school year.

Like most of you, I find myself struggling to find enough time in my day, especially when  it comes to math centers. I decided to change my math routines up a bit so my students have more time with our math buckets.

I only have 45 minutes for math, so I have to be very strategic about how I manage my time. Here's a little breakdown:

Whole group lesson: 15 minutes
2 center rotations: 15 minutes each

Whole group lesson: 20 minutes
Choice math buckets and math games: 20 minutes

I'll be using my interactive notebook during center time. I have 4 center groups, so this will allow for my groups to visit centers twice a week. I plan on assigning the Go Math! Interactive Notebook to my assistant to complete with the children in groups. Students will spend 1 to 2 days on an assignment.

If you'd like to try my notebook FREE, visit the link below. Attached is a foldable addition activity. Enjoy!

Click HERE to download the FREE sample

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